Selling units for services ??
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 22/06/2014 - 08:43
I have been hotting up statements to show the selling units with the invoice line item quantity. This works well with medication and merchandise, but with service items, there is no Selling Units field. I coped with this by blanking the quantity on service items when it was 1, so you get something like:
However, as you can see on the 'per hour' service items, it would be better if these showed '0.5 hours' rather than just '0.5'. [The code adds an 's' when the quantity is other than 1 - hence the problem with the first line where the selling unit needs to be changed to 'item' or 'unit'.]
Can anyone see any downside in adding a Selling Units field to the product.service archetype?
Regards, Tim G
Re: Selling units for services ??
Sounds fine. If it is the same node definition as that in product.medication it should be displayed during charging and estimates.
Re: Selling units for services ??
Yes - exactly the same node definition as product.medication and product.merchandise - to take advantage of this tweaks are needed to the items sub reports for statements, invoices, credit notes, and estimates. With all except estimates, the units should be placed after the quantity (as above), with estimates it would be best if the units came after the product name and before the low qty column.
If I jira this, can we get the archetype mod into 1.7.1? I will do the (standard) reports perhaps for 1.7.1 but definitely for 1.8.
If the answer is yes, then I can go ahead and do the archetype mod in EVES's and AV's 1.7 systems - they are the practices wanting the statements to show selling units.
Note that if a practice continues to use their current statement etc templates, then the archetype change will have no effect (except that 'Selling Units' will show on the product edit/view screen).
Services will have their selling units set to null (and the modified statements etc need to handle this). If a service is edited, its selling units will be set to the default selling unit (normally 'Unit').
The statements etc should suppress the selling units where it is null or 'Unit'. Hence the statement etc should look like (where the first two are services and the second two merchandise or medication):
Consultation 1 $123.45
Boarding 3 days $789.01
Widget 4 $45.67
Widget Juice 2 mls $12.34
Note also that the statements etc will contain logic to add an 's' to the units when the quanitity is other than 1. This is of course language specific, but a French etc practice will need localised versions of the templates so I do not see this as a problem.
Regards, Tim G
Re: Selling units for services ??
The product.service change can go in to 1.7.1, but I think the report changes can wait. I'm planning to release 1.7.1 on Friday.
Re: Selling units for services ??
Thanks Tim - do you want me to jira this? Regards, Tim G
PS - 1.7.1 on Friday - I had better extract the digit and get to checking the 1.7.1 updates for any required CSH changes.
Re: Selling units for services ??
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