Sending accounts and reminders by email and sms reminders

Can someone please in plain english and step by step, be able to help me set up accounts and reminders that can be sent by email and also send sms to clients. As you can guess I am not a computer programer, can do it though if have everyday english terms and step instructions. We have version 1.6.2. Thank you in advance.


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Re: Sending accounts and reminders by email and sms reminders

Jane - to save me a lot of writing, can you first read through the Context Sensitive Help stuff. [This was written for the 1.7 release but 95% applies to 1.6.] - start at and keep following the links.

Also - look at the 'New in 1.7' stuff at to see what stuff is being discussed that is NOT in your 1.6.2

However, quickly:

1. Sending accounts by email: I assume that you have entered the email contacts for your customers (see ).  If so, when you print the invoice you have the option to email it to the customer. See

2. Sending reminders by email: see

3. Reminders by SMS - not currently supported (even in 1.7).  We have some macros we use to generate the sms text so that it is easy to send individual reminders. Below is an example.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Sending accounts and reminders by email and sms reminders

Thanks Tim

Will do some reading.


Re: Sending accounts and reminders by email and sms reminders

Jane - I am afraid that I omitted two links which you may find useful.  Regards, Tim G

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