Server time ??

This is going to sound a stupid question.  What time is it on the server hosting the OpenVPMS demo system?

[I should get my answer as soon as I save this message.]

The reason that I ask is that here in Dyers Crossing its early on Tuesday 18 June - but the demo system is still showing 17 June.

I am considering putting a note in the CSH Reference pages to say that the OpenVPMS time is the time on the server, not your local time.  In most cases these will be the same, but there may be cases where they are different. If you server is in time zone A and your users in time zone B, then the server timezone should be adjusted to B.

Regards, Tim G

Humm - the message was stamped with the correct NSW time - but if I create an invoice in the demo system it has the date as 17 June.  Has the Drupal setup for the forum got its time zone set to AEST, but the Demo system is running on the server's local time ?

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Re: Server time - Fixed

Ahah - fixed.  If you create a new task on the Workflow|Work Lists screen then you get shown the full server time.

From this I now know that the server on which the demo system is hosted is running 10 hours behind AEST - ie it's running on GMT.

I will put a note somewhere in the CSH pages.

regards, Tim G

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