Services to show in patient history
Submitted by admin@harboursi... on Mon, 24/05/2021 - 14:57
Trying to work out how to get an inhouse test ie urinalyis to show on the patient. Currently under Product type of Laboratory. At the moment only medication lists.
Re: Services to show in patient history
You can display service charges by selecting 'Include Charges'.
Inhouse tests would normally be modelled using an Investigation Type and Laboratory Test so that when the service is charged, it generates an Investigation. This appears in patient history, and can have results attached.
1. go to Administration - Laboratory
2. create a new Investigation Type named 'Inhouse Investigation'
3. create a new Laboratory Test named 'Inhouse Urinalysis', with the Investigation Type set to 'Inhouse Investigation'
4. go to Products - Information
5. edit your service product
6. on the Tests tab, add the newly created 'Inhouse Urinalysis'
When you charge your service product, an 'Inhouse Urinalysis' Investigation will now be generated.
Note that if you have IDEXX VetConnect PLUS or Zoetis VetScan FUSE, steps 1-3 are handled for you, by the respective plugins, and results will be automatically attached to the Investigation.