Smart Flow Sheet - Duration of stay
This is probably not possible, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
We use Smart Flow Sheet and would like to make the default Duration of Stay = 5 (easier to delete sheets than copy)
We do not automatically create a SFS with every check-in from the schedule to the worklist as checking-out of OpenVPMS doesn't remove the patient from SFS. So the easiest system for us is to manually create SFS for patients if they are admitted to the hospital.
Because of this, the Default Number of Days is not connected through OpenVPMS
The Expected Number of Days only works if you select Default or Prompt in the Create Flow Sheet. It doesn't work if you select None.
Is there anywhere else we can change (archetype?) where the default is 5 for every template, rather than 1?
Re: Smart Flow Sheet - Duration of stay
When a patient is added to SFS without selecting a work list, the Duration of Stay is based on the appointment length.
This probably only makes sense if you are using boarding appointments for these patients.
Note that automatic checkout is part of the Smart Flow Sheet integration - billing and notes project.
Re: Smart Flow Sheet - Duration of stay
Why not have a seperate hospital worklist that patients are transferred too once they have been examined if they are staying?
Re: Smart Flow Sheet - Duration of stay
Why not have a seperate hospital worklist that patients are transferred too once they have been examined if they are staying?