SMS not sending to particular clients


I think we have a strange bug where some clients cannot receive SMS from us.

The SMS appears in the clients communication area and appears in our 'sent' folder in emails, but it doesn't appear in our SMSglobal website log.

I have deleted the clients phone number, re-entered it manually (not copy and pasted) - this doesn't fix it. Client has checked and doesn't have our clinic number blocked.

I've tried texting the client from my own mobile phone (works fine).

This has happened to a few clients recently, so know it's not just a one off issue.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is there somewhere in OpenVPMS reporting where I can check if it's been blocked from going to SMSglobal somehow?

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Re: SMS not sending to particular clients

All messages are sent to SMSglobal using your email provider.

Does your email provider have any reporting facility to indicate if an email has been delivered or not? With SendGrid for example, it will show you if messages have been rejected, and provide a reason.

Re: SMS not sending to particular clients

Hi Tim,

Our email provider does have the facility and provides a reason (example below), but this doesn't happen for the phone numbers I'm having issues with. It's as if the phone number doesn't get sent to the email provider at all (not in delivered, undelivered, rejected etc)

Re: SMS not sending to particular clients

The above is from your SMS provider?

Does your email service provide any information about messages that have been rejected?

Re: SMS not sending to particular clients

Oh sorry! correct it's from our SMS provider.

Our email provider is gmail. We get messages that are from: Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon[at]googlemail[dot]com> if the email wasn't sent, but I can't see any that like this for this client or have anything about sms or sms global etc from Mailer-Daemon.

The emails look like they have been sent (not bounced back) in Openvpms and in emails. Nothing bounces back that I can see. Doesn't appear in sms global.


Re: SMS not sending to particular clients

You will only get a Communications record if OpenVPMS has successfully sent the mail to your email provider. If gmail can't subsequently deliver the email, OpenVPMS won't know about it.

For SMS, it uses the Mail Server configured on the Practice. Have you checked the account associated with that Mail Server to see if any emails couldn't be delivered?






Re: SMS not sending to particular clients

Hi Tim,

Our mail server is It shows no errors with the email not being delivered (it says they have been delivered).

Very strange. Will keep an eye out for anymore like this and see if I can find a pattern.

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