Sms reminders and pets' names

Hi all,

Is there anyway for the system to automatically insert a pet's name into a SMS reminder?

Thanks and Merry Christmas!


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Re: Sms reminders and pets' names

Kevin - no its just plain text.  I am currently playing with 1.9 which includes an SMS appointment reminder - and that does enable you to generate a tailored message.

I suspect that the only way to go with 1.8 is to use its ability to generate a CSV file containing the reminders - and use this as a feed to a system that send out mass emails to your SMS provider with the correct format to send out the desired SMS text. [Googling 'excel bulk email' will provide some recipies]

Tim A - given the flexibility of the SMS Appointment Reminders facility in 1.9, should we not be considering providing the same flexibility generating the SMS text for reminders.

Regards, Tim G

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