Sold products are not taken from inventory

hi, I have installed last version. My biggest problem is the suppliers, product adjastment and product stock level. please correct me: in order to add a prooduct I do like this: 

a. I administration=> I added two new stock location =>

1- suppliers location (while I am putting an order the products are still in de location of suppliers before transfering to my practice depo)

2-second: practice depot which is my practice pharmacy

b. I added some suppliers ==> suppliers=> information=> new => supplier organization

c. then products => information => new > fill in the roduct information name etc. two problem: in the product information price, it ask also the quantity? I don't know what I have to write here? then stock location: ask me also quantity?? 

d. placing an order: supplier=> orders=> new=> choolse one supplier => stock location choosed supplier location => product acepromazin chozen, package size 50, unit ml, price 45. okay

check up: suppliers=> orders==> status : in progress, delivery status : pending. => click on finalized. and the line goes away.

e. products=> stock management=> new => stock transfer => stock location from: supplier  // to: practice depo/ status: posted/  add: product : acepromazin: quantity 1.  => okay.

checking in products information: still in de 6. stock locations of the product information no sign of the produt level.

f. after creating customer and a patient, new visit=> status completed. add: medication=> choose acepromazine 1, okay.

g. checking the srarus of the product mevel and tracing: ::> products=> stock management=> stock adjustment=>product location practice => product acepromazine=> current quantity 0.


conclusion and question:

1- is there any way that we can see a product has been used for which patients (tracability)

2- why I don't get the product lavel working correct.

3- is there any way to get a print or something like this (reminder) about expiry dates or low stock of a product in inventory?

4- is there any documentation to see how we have to configure these important parts, from administration to product location and supplier orders,

many thanks


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Re: Sold products are not taken from inventory

Hi Max,

I will try to go through your questions in some order and provide some advice.

Firstly you do not need to represent the suppliers location and your stock location, just yours so you should only require the one stock location.

This stock location should be linked to the practice location which actually tells OpenVPMS that when you have that Practice Location selected (default if only one) then this is the stock location any stock will be deducted from during charging.

The next thing to check is that the "Stock Control" tick box is ticked in your Practice Location.  This tells OpenVPMS that you are intersted in counting stock.

For product unit price the quantity is not used but will pertain to quantity breaks whenever that is implemented. 

In the Product Stock location this quantity represents the current quantity of this product on hand at that stock location.  This is decreased as you sell products and increased as you enter deliveries and adjusted during stock adjustments and transfers.  You typically do not need to add a stock location entry to a product unless you want to set a initial quantity.  If one does not exist and you charge or deliver that product a entry will be created for you with an initial quantity of 0.

When you place an order this will not change the stock on hand quantity.  Only when you enter and finalise deliveries will the quantity update.

If you add a medication directly in medical records rather than through charging the stock will not be updated.  It is important to note that when you charge out a medication the medication is automaticaly created in the visit as well so this is the best approach for recording medications in visits.

1.  You can use the Customer Product Sales report for product sales traceability.

2.  I think the information above wil help with your stock updates.

3.  The next release (1.5) allows you to stipulate ideal and critical levels for products so you can run a report that details stock to be reordered. 

4.  Currently only the documentation on the site and previous answers to forums posts. :-)




Re: Sold products are not taken from inventory


I could understand that only my practice can be lso depot of medicine.

I tred to get openvpms work, but really I am not so clever to understand where I have to start. is there any wiki, toturial, ... to see how I can setup openvpms for a simple one vet practice.

I created a product, I added supplier, prices, ..., I ordered by supplier, finalized it in delivery, and then used it for a patient, no charges in the customer page, no change in available stock.

I am sure there is no bug, no mis installation , just I don't knwo how I begin to run this program?

another question: is there any practie who is realy use this program now in the real time ?



Re: Sold products are not taken from inventory


Sorry missed this post in my email notifications.  

I think you are not charging through charges but adding a medication directly to Medical Records.  This will not update stock as it is a clinical record entry not the sale of a product to the cstomer and patient.  To update stock enter your charges through Customer ->Charges and you will find that any Medication product you charge will also appear in the Medical Records.  You will also find stock will be updated.

Information on how to use OpenVPMS is contributed through the forums and through the implementer and user documentation pages.  This is by no means complete but if you need help ask and someone will help and this adds to the available information other people can then access.  The intention is to build up more and more documentation but as you can imagine this is abig task and needs everyone's support ...

OpenVPMS is actively being used in many practices globally. These range from mobile one workstation practices up to 50 workstation multi site practices.  :-)



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