some qns about new update version

We've just got the update 1.5 and there are some things that seem to be more complicated & wondering if we are missing something!

When adding a note to an animals file without going through the consult process eg. just a note re a phone call, do you need to add a new visit then add a new note? We are getting all our notes added on to an existing visit.... then another step to complete the visit?

Also when entering deliveries, I get a message "failed to validate property Package Units". As we havent' entered package units on any of our products, do we need to do this for every item in order to finalise a delivery?

Sorry if these seem like obvious questions, but we're just trying to work out some of the changes & need a little help (they're not mentioned in the release guide).

Thanks, Kerry

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Re: some qns about new update version

Hi Kerry,

There has been quite a bit of discussion about this on the forum but when the 1.5 release first came out some time back.

Also in the latest release (1.6 due out soon) there is a new Visit and Note button in Medical Records based on the discussion above. 

In regards the package units issue you do need to have a package unit selected on each delivery line.  If you dont have them then suggest get someone to run a script to set all your suppliers default package units to EACH if they don't already have one set.

Cheers Tony

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