Stock Adjustments having no effect....

So We have been proactive this year and started stock take early

We have noticed that the adjustments never changed the stock level?


Stock Report showed

Fuciderm Gel 15gm  On Hand was 8

we adjusted by -6 last week

Sold 2 over the weekend ....and ran "a generate order" this morning it didnt order despite the ideal level being set at 4 and critical at 2 

Checked the product  "On hand" still reads 8

Any advice?


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Re: Stock Adjustments having no effect....

Verify the stock adjustment has been finalised.

Stock transfers and adjustments aren't applied until they are finalised.


Re: Stock Adjustments having no effect....

Yep its all finalized.... I have no idea


OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: Stock Adjustments having no effect....

If you look at the Stock Locations tab for the product, with Hide Inactive unticked do you see only one relationship for that Stock Location? Is the Quantity 8?

Re: Stock Adjustments having no effect....

No the product in question does not have any inactive stock locations.

And yes the qty still reads 8 despite the fact that I sold 1 on the weekend..


OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: Stock Adjustments having no effect....

For stock control to work, the practice location needs to have Stock Control enabled, and there needs to be relationships between the Practice Location and the Stock Location, and the Stock Location and the product.

If you can debug it, for charges, stock updates are handled by ChargeStockUpdater.update(). This is invoked on save of a charge. For stock adjustments and transfers, they are handled by StockUpdater.update().


Re: Stock Adjustments having no effect....

Ok thanks its been working fine ....just recently seems to have glitched


OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au
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