stock levels

Hi there,

I have been using the stock order report for reordering, effectively for the last 6 months or so. Just last week we received a promo stock order of food, and as I was entering the delivery on the system from the invoice, instead of receiving the original amount of 4 of a particular item, I adjusted the quantity to 12.

Since doing this, the food still comes up on the report for reorder. The stock levels are correct, saying we have 12 in stock, ideal amount is 3, critical is 2.

I have manually adjusted stock levels before with no problems for reorder that I have seen.

Is this a bug, or what would be the problem? I have done a stock adjustment, but this doesn't seem to have helped either.

I would appreciate any help,

Thanks, Kerry

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Re: stock levels

Hi Kerry,

I belive this also happened to us with Epi Otic but I probably did not put it together at the time and I then think what happened is the stock got back below the ideal but not to the critical and it has stopped coming up on reports.

I certainly have delivered more than ordered with other products but maybe that hasn't taken us over the ideal. I will monitior.

The other side of delivering more than ordered that I find frustrating is you can not go back to that order and delete off the products that were not supplied if you have purchased them from elsewhere. Not sure if you have noticed this also.

Not helpful as far as fixing but nice to know you are not the only one noticing stuff :)


Re: stock levels

Hi Kerry,

If you look at the original order for the delivery how many does it say it received of that product ? (you should see three qty fields -  qty, received and cancelled)

Bernie, you can edit a finalised order and update the cancelled quantity to remove products from the order.

Cheers Tony

Re: stock levels


Failed to validate property Quantity: The order quantity (1) is less than the sum of the received and cancelled quantities (2)


Hi Tony,

It seems when the received qty of any product is more than the ordered product and you try and cancel other non received items from the order that you do not want to leave on b/o - when you apply the above error message comes up.




Re: stock levels

Hi Tony,

on the original order Quantity= 3, Received= 10, Cancelled= 0

Still trying to fix it but can't seem to work it out! Im being beaten by a computer :{

Thanks Kerry

Re: stock levels

Hi Kerry,

Thnaks for the extra information.  I will replicate here and see if I can find out where in the reorder report it is making the mistake and then hopefully rectify for you.

Bernie, will look at error at same time :-)

Cheers Tony

Re: stock levels

Thanks Tony,

While you are looking at stock and reports etc. Is it correct that if a product is ordered and not received and not cancelled - so is left on b/o.

Should this product no longer come up on the stock reorder report? If this is the case I am finding b/o'd products are still coming up on this report.

Thansk again,


Re: stock levels

Hi Kerry,

I have looked at the report and definitely it will calcualte incorrectly if the received + cancelled > ordered qty.  I have made the necessary change to the report and have attached here for you to test for me if you dont mind.  You will need to save this report and then attach to the correct report template.

I have also tested the issue with received + cancelled > ordered as far as editing orders is concerned.  Definitely a problem as the deliver processr will allow this to happen.  I have discussed this with the developer and rather than modifying the delivery processor to only update the received qty to a maximum of ordered - cancelled we think it is best to remove the contraint and only check that cancelled <= ordered. This change will be applied to version 1.6.

In regards the stock re-order report taking into account back orders it definitely should.  It actually checks for any undeleivred orders (received + cancelled < ordered) and takes these into account when calcualting amount sto order using ideal and critical levels.   Obviously the new report fixes the isseu if received + cancelled > ordered which woudl cause incorrect reordering.  Maybe this is the isseu with the example you have Bernie ?

Suggest try new report as well and see what happens. :-)

Cheers Tony

stock reorder report 20120403.jrxml 31.93 KB

Re: stock levels

Hi Tony,

New report with qty's of ideal and current is fantastic.

Unfotunately products ordered and not supplied are still on there. :(


Re: stock levels

Hi Bernie,

My apologies I didn't get a notification of your post so I haven't responded to this.  Can you shoot me the name of one of the back ordered products coming out on the reorder report (by direct email)  and I will do some testing to see if I can nail down the issue.

Cheers Tony

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