Stock take


I need to do a stock-take. What is the best way to do this? Can I export the stock in a CSV document, correct the stock on this file and import it back into OpenVPMS. I have searched the help area but can't find a good description of how to do this. I have also checked in Products/Stock management but having difficulty finding this. Under Information I can export to A CSV and correct prices but not quanities. Can anyone direct me. Do we need to upgrade our version?



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Re: Stock take

Ralph - I suspect that you are not running 1.8 - this version added the ability to export & import stock quantities.  To quote from :

"You can also export and import stock quantity information - this is useful for stocktaking. You export the data for the Stock Location and products to be counted, then count the stock and update the New Quantities in the CSV file and then import it to generate a Stock Adjustment transaction which you can then Finalise to adjust the stock quantities."

1.8 also added two reports to assist in stocktake, the Stocktake Export and Stock Movement reports

See also

Regards, Tim G

Re: Stock take

Prior to 1.8 the method to do StockTake was to print a so called Stock Take report that showed products and current stock levels at the time of printing...

and a space for the stock count to be written.


Then you have someone do a Stock Adjustment which is entering the difference.  When doing the adjustment it will display the current stock. So if you have sold something since printing then you can adjust appropriately

But you do need to do that data entry soon after the count....what my staff would do is count a page then data entry it.  

So an example might be

Print Out

Macrolone Tabs      _____      Curr:  250

1 day later

Manual Count shows:        220

At Data entry (same day) Curr: 215

So you would adjust by +5 (not -25) basically someone sold 30 tablets after you printed the stock take...


The other way this could be done is with an ipad but that might be cumbersome.

With 1.8 you could feasibly use a Data Scanner to scan barcodes and record qty.

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