Stock take valuation list

We needed a Stock Take Report that had a 'cost price' listed as well (in the same way that the Stock Valuation Report does).

This later report can not be used for our stock take as only lists the items that have been invoiced, and not the disposable items that don't actually appear on an invoice (eg glucose test strips, catheters, etc) that we still need to account for in a stock take.

Any ideas appreciated.



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Re: Stock take valuation list

Hi Glen,

The Stock valuation report needs a valid current quantity so it can multiply thsi by cost to get value.  If a product has never been invoiced then ther is most likely no stock record and hence effectively the product has 0 quantity and no value.  You can of course manually edit the products Stock Location record  or do a stock adjustment and a stock quantity will be setup for the product.

The other issue may be the product has no product type and hence will not show up in this report.



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