Supplier Representatives always shown as Practice Vetinarians

If I create a Supplier(Organisation) and add a Representative (Fred Bloggs) to it, then the rep's information on the Supplier Information screen/Representatives tab shows as:

Name Description Details
Bloggs, Fred Mr Fred Bloggs Practice Vetinarian (10/10/2012-)

If I first create a Supplier (Person) and then add it as a Representative to the Supplier Organisation, then the details still show as 'Practice Vetinarian'.

I think that there are a number of problems as follows:

  1. the Details column is incorrectly set when shown on the Supplier Info/Reps display
  2. the party.supplierPerson archetye should contain a 'position' field which defaults to say 'Representative" but can be set to, for example: Salesman, Secretary, Storeman etc, and this should be displayed (with the start/end dates) in the Details column
  3. although the party.supplierVetinarian archetype contains a 'notes' field, the party.supplierPerson does not.  Hence there is nowhere to put stuff like 'Only in office 10am to 2.30pm'
  4. the Description column shows no useful information - it would be better if (like the Owner data on the Patient Info screen), it showed the address and phone of the Representative. 

Regards, Tim

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Re: Supplier Representatives always shown as Practice ...

The "Practice Veterinarian" problem, and the lack of a notes field in party.supplierperson, party.supplierorganisation and party.supplierVeterinaryPractice has been fixed for 1.6.

Your other points require development work. If you're interested, I can cost and setup a project for it.



Re: Supplier Representatives always shown as Practice ...

Tim A - no I do not think it is worth going beyond what you already have in 1.6

The 'always shows as a practice vet' was the main problem. The other items were just me being picky - and the presence of the notes field fixes the 'what is their position' problem.

Regards, Tim G

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