Suppliers Authorities


I am having trouble figuring out how to let users link suppliers (vets/vet clinics) to patients, but not allow them to create new suppliers (i.e. add a new vet or clinic just because they can't find the one they are looking for - which are usually there, they just haven't searched with a wildcard search).

The permissions these roles have are:

Supplier All Acts Create

Supplier All Acts Save

Suppliers Create

Suppliers Save

Suggestions would be appreciated.



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Re: Suppliers Authorities

Adrian - the way we set this up is to have a set of authorities assigned to the role Logistics as follows:

Product Prices Create/Remove/Save

Products Create/Remove/Save

Stock Transaction Create/Remove/Save

Supplier All Acts Create/Remove/Save

Supplier Create/Remove/Save

The Base Role (given to all non-administrator users except those to whom we give the Role 'Look-Only' - which has no authorities) does not include the above authorities.

Hence only users with the Administrator role (which includes Create.All, Remove.All, and Save.all) and the Logistics role can create/remove/save suppliers.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Suppliers Authorities

Hi Tim,

I got it eventually, though I have had to give base role "Supplier Save" authority for staff to be able to save veterinarians/clinics to patient files. By leaving out the others I have been able to stop them adding in new suppliers which is what I was trying to achieve.

Incidentally, do you have a report to list the authorities attached to each role? It is difficult to scroll through those little boxes and get a good overview of what each role does/doesn't have.

Do you have any thoughts about the user authorities project ( I feel this would go a long way towards tightening the permissions system and help funnel user behaviour in a desirable way.....

Re: Suppliers Authorities


a) report for roles: no - I find that the View (rather than Edit) works nicely

b) authorities project: I think that this is an Extremely worthwhile enhancement, and would recommend it go forward. Unfortunately, it is like renovating the sewerage system - its not a glamour project like the harbour bridge and thus does not attract funding. From our practice manager's point of view, the current system works - ie the toilets still flush so why pay money for a shiny new sewer.

Regards, Tim G

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