Suppressing patient reminders if appointment scheduled

Hi all,

Has anyone thought about suppressing patient reminders if an appointment is already scheduled? I've recently added a 3rd reminder for all the reminders in the system, and since it goes out so far in time, we do tend to have overlap between the reminder generation and the actual appointment. Some customers have complained because they'll have already scheduled an appointment.

I'm not aware of any functionality here, but would be nice to have logic that says: if I'm sending an appointment reminder to a customer, that can substitute for the patient reminder.

(On a side note, was also looking to develop a report that shows the time at which an appointment was created as related to the series of reminders sent. Alas I don't see a create time for appointments in the schema. (Had auditing turned on at one point which seems to have it, but that's off now and doesn't seem to link back to the original appointment.) Does anyone know how to do this?



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Re: Suppressing patient reminders if appointment scheduled

This isn't supported at present. It would need be selective; all reminders shouldn't be suppressed if there is a pending appointment.

To support it, there would need to be a flag 'Suppress On Appointment' on the Reminder Type to indicate if reminders should be suppressed if there is a future appointment. Reminders would continue to be queued. If the flag is on when it comes to send and a patient has an appointment within N days, then the send would be cancelled.

What is an acceptable period for the N days? A month? 2 weeks? Does this need to be configurable as well?

The appointment created time is accessed via the createdTime node.


select reminder.act_id, reminder.status, created_time.value created_time, reminder.activity_start_time start_time
from acts reminder
join act_details created_time
    on reminder.act_id = created_time.act_id 
        and = 'createdTime'
where reminder.arch_short_name = 'act.patientReminder'
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