Tax exemptions been applied randomly

Hi Guys,

Our clients fortunately advised us that the price we were charging for their petfood had gone down. This coincided with the nurses noting some items were being charged at lower than their pricing. Having finally been advised of this, a quick check this morning
and I noted that GST tax exemptions (a lucky click identified the problem) have been applied arbitarily to a significant percentage of the customer database.
This doesnt appear as a discount but as a 15 % lower price on the invoice so unless the nurses were aware of the prices such as with merchandise they wouldnt have noticed. It appears to have only have occurred in the last few days but may date back to the update and affected clients just havent been in until the last few days.

Not sure if its an abberation of the 1.7 update on our database or whether weve been hacked or ?. This is too pervasive to have been operator error and the nurses dont have access to make these changes anyway.

We will just go through the customers one by one and remove the tax exemption. As its not a discount, as such, I dont think it will appear on the active discounts report. It may be worthwhile setting up a report for this or adding it to the Active discounts report (if its not there) as you could be discounting without realising, as we were.

I have not got the Active Discounts report to work for me as yet, it is not listing report parameters though it appears ok in iReport. Perhaps my iReport is a little old or perhaps the report doesnt work with 1.7.

Cheers Geoff

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Re: Tax exemptions been applied randomly

Yours is the first site I've heard that has used tax exemptions.

There was a longstanding bug that was fixed for 1.7 which led me to think that no-one was using that feature.

In 1.7, the name was changed from 'Taxes' to 'Tax Exemptions' to reflect what it is actually used for. Perhaps when the customers were set up, the GST tax classification was added by staff thinking that the tax would be included rather than excluded?


Re: Tax exemptions been applied randomly

We dont actually use tax exemptions either. Explains why I didnt recall seeing the tab before. I suspect you are right and that when we setup the database manually 5 years or so back from cardfiles we have wrongly added a GST entry to a large number of the clients.

Apparently in 1.7 these entries that were lying dormant (thanks to the bug) have come back to haunt us. Thanks for the explaination we can rest easy again.

Cheers Geoff

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