Is there a sample database available?

Hello Eveyone,

I have done a new install of OpenVPMS 1.7 and was wondering if there is a small, but reasonably complete sample database out there for testing that I might be able to get a copy of.  I've scoured the site, but came up empty.  I'm looking for one because I am still struggling a bit with the printer setup and having non-blank sample reports would be a real help at this stage.



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Re: Is there a sample database available?

There is a small dataset available in the release, although it doesn't contain any transactions or patient history.

You can load it using:

cd <OPEVPMS_HOME>/bin ../import/data/demo/

There's another dataset available in version control that has some old history, which needs the svn (subversion) tool to access:

svn co svn://

To load this, I suspect you'll need to recreate the database with the db.sql script first.

Re: Is there a sample database available?

Thanks for the guide.  I loaded the sample db with no issues at all, but can't get in from the login screen.  The usual combinations of admin-admin and vet-vet don't work.  I looked into the sample db and see that there are no entries in the users table.  So I naively added admin-admin, but still no go.  It seems that adding a user from the OpenVPMS front-end does a lot more behind the scenes than just insert a record into the openvpms.user table.  With nothing there I even tried <blank><blank>, but still no entry.

I imagine that adding an administrative user manually is not really feasible given all the tie-ins to entities, user_roles, link_id's etc?

Thanks again,




Re: Is there a sample database available?

If you're loading the sample data included in the release package, you'll also need to run:

> base

This loads the base.xml file from <OPENVPMS_HOME>/import/data, which contains the default users and roles.

Re: Is there a sample database available?

Ah... I see...

I didn't understand that one could chain those imports. Excellent.

I did go ahead and loaded the subversion one you referred to and that looks great.  Tons of products loaded.  I didn't know about the base thing though and so will try that as well.

Thanks for all your help on this!



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