Ubuntu Server installing and using libreoffice
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 19/12/2015 - 06:32
Hello, we are having some issues wth forms using libreoffice in our Ubuntu Installation. Specifically, our reminders run very slowly, and I suspect the issue is that libreoffice is not starting, despite numerous attempts by OpenVPMS to get it to start. Can someone who has performed a headless libreoffice installation on ubuntu post a short guide please? I would also be keen to know how to test that the installation is working correctly from the command line.
Thanks in advance.
Re: Ubuntu Server installing and using libreoffice
You can verify if its having problems starting up libreoffice/openoffice by changing <TOMCAT_HOME>/webapps/openvpms/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties from:
and restarting Tomcat.
OpenVPMS will log messages in openvpms-full.log when it tries to start OpenOffice e.g.:
Once started, OpenVPMS will restart OpenOffice if it cannot issue a request, or every 1000 requests. For the former, there will be log messages from AbstractOOConnectionPool.
The latter is as a workaround to memory leaks experienced in OpenOffice 3.x.
In general, processing any document via OpenOffice is slower than using Jasper Reports. If you can rework your template as a Jasper Report, it will perform much better.
Re: Ubuntu Server installing and using libreoffice
Thanks for the responses. It seems to be the reminders that we have most difficulty with. So I will set about converting all of the .odt attachments to .jrxml today and see if that speeds things up.
Re: Ubuntu Server installing and using libreoffice
Hi, Not sure if this helps or not. But we were having issues with open office documents generating slowly on our similar setup. Each step was taking about 20 seconds. They did an upgrade of libreoffice today and things seem to have improved to 4-5 seconds for each step. So, still not great, but a big improvement. I think they upgraded to libre office 4.3. Cheers, Adrian