Unable to open openvpms

Hi I set up openvpms with my desktop computer as the server. It has been working well on my 2 laptops for about 3 months. I generally leave the desktop on overnight, just in sleep mode. I recently turned the desktop off completely when I went on holidays.

Since returning, and restarting the desktop computer, I have been able to use openvpms on the desktop (server) computer normally but when I try to open it on the laptops I get the message 'unable to open webpage'.

I have checked that mySQL, tomcat etc have restarted and manually restarted anything that looked like it could be connected to running the server but with no success.

On the forum I can see that other people have had similar problems, usually after making changes to their server computers, but in each case they seemed to resolve the problem before a solution was posted on teh forum.

Any thoughts would be really appreciated.

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