Appointment Type selection - improvement suggestion - WITHDRAWN

I have a fix for this problem - see  Regards, Tim

I posted the following on the impementor's forum.  Tim A responded "Sounds OK to me. Run it by the user's forum and see if you can get concensus."  Hence this post.  I would appreciate comments.

Regards, Tim G

When you create an appointment, the Appointment Type is preset. I think that the logic is 'if default defined for this schedule, use it, else select another (via some method that I can not figure out).

The field is not a pull-down, and to see the full list when using the binoculars, one has to clear the existing entry.

I think that it would be more efficient if nothing was set if there is no default. Then (as is my case) one only has to type one or two letters to select the appointment type.

The current scheme is also confusing to new users. ie if the appointment type is not what you want, press binoculars - the list just displays one entry - huh??? - thinks 'my trainer told me there were 6 different appointment types - but these is only one showing???'. The new user will not intuitively understand that the search text has to be cleared so that every possibility shows.

Recommendation: change the logic so that if no default appointment type exists, leave the appointment type slot empty.

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Re: Appointment Type selection - improvement suggestion

Not sure that I agree with your suggestion. Our default appointment type is "consultation" and that is what we use 90 % of the time.

Other appointment types are "outcalls", "after hours" , "surgery", "Day off"  and "Holidays"

And that just about does it.

Re: Appointment Type selection - improvement suggestion

Thanks for your comment. I am a bit puzzled by it. If 'consultation' is set as your default, then this will show as the initial choice. 

My suggestion is aimed at making it easier to select a non-default appointment type in a setup where no default has been chosen.  In this case, at present the type is set by some arbitary method, and you need to clear it and then click the binoculars to see the full list.  It my suggestion is implemented, then the field is initially blank, and either you click the binoculars to see the full set, or type the first letter of so to chose the appointment type.

Part of the problem is that the appointment type field is not a pull down list.  If it were, then its two clicks to select the required type. As is, one has to clear the selection first (by either click/wipe, delete or click,ctrl-A,delete) then click the binoculars.

Note also that my situation is trying to make it as easy as possible for users who have been running RxWorks for 10 years to transition to OpenVPMS.

Regards, Tim G

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