Virtual Branch clinic creation and management

Hi there,

My clinic has a wildlife sanctuary and rehabilitation centre under our care, with about 50 resident animals ranging from Lions to Meerkats, and lots of wildlife that passes through, so always some clinical history to input. I only spend a few hours there every week, but in between those times, it would be very useful to have the staff there updating animals' histories and observations onto the OVPMS system to create more thorough clinical notes, and avoid the horrendous paper trail that they deal with presently. One solution I thought of would be to create this centre as a branch clinic and then give them access to this, but wondered about the logistics and safety.

I know I could limit their user abilities to some extent, but they would still (I presume) have access to the entire system theoretically, and not just that branch clinic? And of course the whole idea is to give them the ability to add clinical notes etc. when required, but not to have the ability to access or change any more sensitive information on our main system.

Any suggestions will be most welcome!


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Re: Virtual Branch clinic creation and management

Daryl - you can certainly create a Practice Location for the wildlife sanctuary and rehabilitation centre (WSRC) and restrict the WSRC user to that location - but under the current and future (see security model, you cannot restrict the WSRC user to just working on customers (and their patients) whose customer location is set to WSRC.

However, I can see that an enhancement that enables practices to limit the customers that a user has access to would be of benefit in the more general case - since this would allow user Fred who works in the XYZ office to only access customers whose practice location is set to XYZ.

I think that the specific changes required are:

a) add a 'Restrict customer access' flag to the user record

b) when the customer select screen is used, if this flag is set, then limit the available customers to those whose practice location equals the current practice location.

Note that we do not have to add anything to restrict the user to specific locations - this is already in the system.


Daryl - does this suggestion sound as though it would address your problem?

Others - does this seem to be a useful enhancement to those of us who do not work in the wilds of South Africa?

Regards, Tim G

Re: Virtual Branch clinic creation and management

Is there any overlap between your business and the WSRC? E.g. do you share patients, or do stock orders on their behalf?

If not, then I would set up a separate OpenVPMS instance to manage it.

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