Work Lists: Waiting Room

Is there any reason why the patients in the waiting list aren't deleted automatically when payment is completed. As things stand we have hundreds of animals sitting in the waiting list until he system is creaking under the strain. It is tedious going thru and individually deleting them one by one. Am I missing something ?

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Re: Work Lists: Waiting Room

Hi Jim,

If you are using the waiting list approach (i.e checkin from schedule to waiting list) for out patients then you need to checkout from the waiting list as this will complete the task and it will disappear from the list. I would suggest you are checking out from the scheduler.

I find most people prefer to not checkin to a waiting list but work directly from the scheduler (i.e skip worklist during checkin) using the scheduler status displays (Pending, Waiting, In progress, Billed, Completed).  Using this approach you just checkout from the scheduler and all your out patient workflow is managed in the one workspace (Scheduling).



Re: Work Lists: Waiting Room

OK that makes sense

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