Working on a multi-hosted option---
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 10/07/2010 - 03:14
Hi all,
My name is Chuck Williams and working on developing a hosted option of OpenVPMS in the US market...I am doing some testing now and had some questions:
How to add a printer when the app is on a separated hosted environment?
What is the proper "java heap memory " requirements...I keep getting java heap errors?
How can I change various field labels for the US market such as changing the field label "suburb" to "city" and I was looking the the db for the pre-populated suburbs, but I could not find can I changed and prepopulate US states and Cities.
Any insight on me developing a hosted environment would be greatly appreciated.
Working on a multi-hosted
1. Printing
In order to support printing:
This may limit the printers you can support, as you need drivers compatible with the hosting environment.
An alternative would be to require that clients download a pdf version of the document, and print locally.
2. Memory
Try setting memory at 512MB. ie, pass -Xmx512m to java
3. Localisation
To change display names to support US naming conventions, you need to edit the archetypes.
These are located in <OPENVPMS_HOME>/update/archetypes/...
where OPENVPMS_HOME is the root directory of your openvpms installation.
To change "suburb" to "city" you need to edit:
You need to add appropriate display names for the "suburb" and "postcode" nodes, e,g:
To apply the changes, run the $OPENVPMS_HOME/bin/ (or archload.bat) script.
4. Postcodes
Currently, OpenVPMS ships with postcode data for Australia only. This is located in:
and is loaded by the (or dataload.bat) script
There is a JIRA to add support for US postcodes:
You could generate a US version of the postcodes.xml file from the script attached to the JIRA.
5. US Sales Tax
There is a thread on sales tax which suggests that the current approach may not be applicable in the US:
and a JIRA:
Your mileage may vary.