Forms - save parameters and Forms and letters respect a parameters type

I was wondering given a major move toward using JRXML for most forms and reports. IF we should consider allowing a form to hold basic parameters.  

You would not save the document just the values in the parameters and then repopulate the form each time its viewed.    I suspect this would decrease the usage of letters.  

Secondly I had a thought that JRXML forms and templates should use the data type of the parameter to design the popup box to be more intuitive.  We already have date boxes and check boxes for boolean and dates, however, I was thinking a field that validates integers/floats/doubles vs strings, there may be the ability to validate these datatypes prior to movement to the form to potentially save from form/letter errors.

Re: Forms - save parameters and Forms and letters respect a ...

Perhaps this is where template versioning could be used?

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