OpenVPMS Installation (Windows)
Submitted by tanderson on Thu, 24/07/2008 - 22:51
Important Note- when installing OpenVPMS you should be logged in on an account that has administrator privileges!
Download OpenVPMS Installation Files
- Download the latest OpenVPMS Installation files . The following assumes OpenVPMS 1.5.1 is being installed.
- Create a folder to unzip the release in. The following assumes a folder named C:\OpenVPMS
- Unzip the Installation Pack to the C:\OpenVPMS folder. This should create a C:\OpenVPMS\openvpms-release-1.5.1 folder with the necessary files to install OpenVPMS.
- Create a folder called C:\OpenVPMS\Installation
Open Office and JDK Installation
- Download Open Office from and save in C:\OpenVPMS\Installation folder.
- Double Click on the installation file in C:\OpenVPMS\Installation folder.
- Unpack to the default location (Desktop)
- Select Complete Installation
- Select File Types Open Office will be default application for. This is your choice !
- Remove Installation Files from Desktop.
- Start Open Office and set options as required.
Open Office Path Configuration
- In My Computer->Properties->Advanced->Environmental Variables double click on System Path variable and add path to OpenOffice program folder to end.
- Click OK to save settings.
JDK Configuration
In order for other applications to be able to find the java installation we need to set an environmental variable on the system.
- Using Windows explorer navigate the the location of the installed java installation.
- Highlight the address bar and copy using Control-C
- Right Click on My Computer and select Properties
- Click on the Advanced tab and then click on Environmental Variable button
- In the System variables section click New
- In Variable Name type JAVA_HOME
- In Variable value hit Control-V. This should enter the path name we copied before.
- Click OK on all open Dialogues.
MySQL Installation
- Download the Windows MySQL installation file from the MySQL site.
- Select Windows Essentials (x86) and download into C:\OpenVPMS\Installation
- Double click mysql-essential-5.0.45-win32.msi in c:\OpenVPMS\installation folder.
- Select Typical Installation
- Skip Sign Up
- Select Configure MySQL Server Now
- Select Developer Machine (Typically on server would select Server machine)
- Select Multifunctional Database
- Select Decision Support option (Larger installs would utilise manual connections settings. OpenVPMS application does connection pooling)
- Select Enable TCP/IP Networking
- Select Enable Strict Mode
- Select Standard Character Set
- Select Install as Windows Service
- Select Include Bin Directory in Path
- Enter the root password as openvpms twice
- Select Enable root access from remote machine
- De-select Anonymous User
- Click Execute
- Sometimes will fail on setting security and give option to Retry. Click Retry and should succeed.
MySQL Configuration
- Stop the MySQL database server. My Computer->Manage->Services->MySQL. Right Click and Stop.
- Navigate to MySQL application folder C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0
- Save copy of my.ini file
Double click on my.ini file at the bottom of the file add the lines
innodb_file_per_table - save the file
- Restart the MySQL server
MySQL GUI Tools Installation
- Download the MYSQL GUI Tools the MySQL site
- Select the Windows X86 option and save into C:\OpenVPMS\Installation folder.
- Double click on mysql-gui-tools-5.0-r12-win32.msi file in C:\OpenVPMS\Installation folder.
- Accept License
- Select default location
- Select Complete install
- Create shortcut to to MYSQL Administrator on desktop
MySQL Administrator Configuration
- Double Click MySQL Administrator icon
- Click Elipses next to Stored Connections
- Click New Connection Enter localhost, root, openvpms and localhost into fields.
- Click Apply and then Close Select stored connection and enter root password (openvpms) and click OK.
Apache Tomcat Installation
- Download Apache Tomcat and save in C:\OpenVPMS\Installation folder
- Double click on apache-tomcat-5.5.28.exe file in C:\OpenVPMS\installation folder.
- Select webapps in the available components
- Select default location.
- Set the admin password to openvpms
- Select the default JRE location. (If you happen to have mutliple JRE locations select the one installed during the Java SDK installation - Must at least be a 1.5XXX version)
- De-Select ReadMe and Run Apache Tomcat
Apache Tomcat Configuration
- Run Configure Tomcat from Apache Tomcat program menu.
- On Java tab in Java Options section add
- Set Initial Memory Pool and Maximum Memory Pool to same value dependent on number of users. Suggest 512M.
- Clikc OK
IReport Installation
- Download IReport 3.0.0 from sourceforge and save to C:\OpenVPMS\Installation folder.
- Double click on the iReport installation file in the C:\OpenPMS\Installation folder.
- De-select sources
- Select default location
MySQL Database Driver Setup
- Download MySQL connector from MySQL and save to C:\OpenVPMS\Installation folder
- Copy the connector file mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar found in the downloaded zip file to c:\OpenVPMS\openvpms-release-1.5.1\lib folder.
- Copy the same connector to Tomcat shared library folder i.e C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\shared\lib
OpenVPMS Database Setup
- Open a command prompt.
- Navigate to C:\OpenVPMS\openvpms-release-1.5.1\db
Start the mysql command line client and enter the following commands
mysql -u root -p
mysql> source createdb.sql;
mysql> use openvpms;
mysql> source db.sql;
mysql> quit; - Navigate to C:\OpenVPMS\openvpms-release-1.5.1\bin
- To load the database with data suitable for a site converting from an existing system next enter dataload base
- To load the database with data suitable for a new site enter dataload setup
OpenVPMS Service User setup
- In My Computer -> Manage select Local Users and Computers -> Users
- Right click in User Pane and select New User...
- Enter user name and password as openvpms (you may use a different password for security but remember for later Apache Tomcat step)
- De-select change password at next login.
- Click Create.
- Double click new user in list and add to Administrators group.
- Logout and login as new openvpms user.
- Run open office and check no startup prompts.
- Logout and login as your local administrator.
OpenVPMS Application Install
- Copy openvpms.war file from c:\OpenVPMS\openvpms-release-1.5.1\webapps to Tomcat Webapps folder at C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\webapps
Apache Tomcat Service setup
- In My Computer ->Manage ->Services right click the Apache Tomcat service and select properties
- On General tab select a Startup type of Automatic
- On Logon tab enter openvpms and your openvpms user account password setup above.
- Click on OK
- Start the service by right clicking and selecting Start
OpenVPMS Test
- Open up your Internet Browser and in the address enter http://localhost:8080/openvpms/app
- Login to OpenVPMS using user 'admin' and password 'admin'
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