[Patient Module] Creating a Patient referral letter which contains history
Submitted by Matt C on Thu, 03/01/2008 - 17:42
Hi everyone,
Happy New Year. Had this request from an existing user;
[quote]... can you insert an entire text field's (such as the "note") text into an .odt. At this stage, I am merging all the referring vet and patient details but an still cut and pasting the consultation text...[/quote]
At the moment my understanding is that there is no function to grab a medical record item ("Notes") in this case for an open office template (thats what .odt refers to).
I tried some things;
[b]Failed attempt One[/b]
I wondered if we could start by just getting the history items.
a. I copied the .jrxml template that is used to print a medical history to a new file.
b. I created a new template using this copy.
c. I test printed the doc.
It contained the patient and client data OK but the history items were limited to a single line referring the form itself.
[b]Non Ideal Work around[/b]
Use the existing history report print out and customise it to look like a referral letter.
This means every history you print will look like a referral letter.
a. Create a backup copy of the file "patientClinicalEvent.jrxml" (or the like).
b. Edit the existing file in iReport.
Now you can limit to date in the Summary view and print from there.
I don't think these are good solutions. I'm sure Tony knows a better way to reference patient medical records from within the templates.