[Patient Module] Medical Records: Events and Episodes

Matt asked, was wondering if you could give me your impression of how the event and episodes types might translate into existing medical records such as what we are used to in Netvet? Tony said, Netvet only used dates to distinguish different Medcial Record entries so you can not readily discern groups of entries that belong to the same clinical event. Some systems use visit but this tends to mean more the attendance of a patient at the clinic rather than a delineation of the overall treatment process. Other systems divide visits into consults that represent specific units of work within the visit. I believe this is a misnomer but is closer to the model we are using. On this basis I decided to use the terminology Episode to represent a complete episode of care and events to represent distinct treatment events performed during the episode. You will notice that you can attach a clinicain to the episode and to the evnt. The Episode clinician is the primary responsible clinician for the whole episode . The event clinican is the author/performer of the specific event. The problem tab allows you to work on problems that run across episodes and events. You can add specific medical record entries to problems. These will be automatically appended to the the curently selected episode/event.

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Problem lists and other tabs

Tony, I was wondering if just as the problem events can be listed via clicking a tab, would it be appropriate that all event types listed as tabs allowing viewing by any event type? eg. View all weights, Secondly, do the problems list alphbetically or by date added? Matt

Re: Medical Records: Events and Episodes

Hi Matt, Firstly a bit of naming clarification. The individual Notes, Weights, Reminders etc I think we should call Entries to distinguish them from the Events they belong too. If you could think of a better name please yell :) You can currently filter by Entry Type using the Type drop down box. This will show you only those events that have a matching entry in them and only those entries. Is this sufficient or would you prefer a tab per entry type and the entries listed in date order ? Only issue is we can actually define more and more entry types using archetypes i.e biochemistry test, etc The problems list is in ascending entry date order at the moment. Cheers Tony
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