Product Price List


Provides a product price list with ability to filter by name as well as only report on any combination of medical, service or merchandise products.

Report displays product name,  selling units, fixed price, unit price and X1 X2 X10 price calcualtions.



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Updated Price List report (version 1.3)

The following report is updated to utilise the linked fixed fees available in version 1.3.    As a product can have its own fixed fees and also one or more from a linked product this report selects the maximum fixed fee only.

It is intended to provide an advanced price list report that will detail different fixed fees on different lines.

Product Price List report 1.3 new.jrxml 15.41 KB

Re: Product Price List


When an item increases in price we put an end date on the product in our OpenVPMS and add a new price. This way we can keep track of price increases, etc.

I've just printed a new price list and I notice it lists both prices, the old price and the current price. When I searched on the forums to see if there was an updated price list available this was the post I found - dated 2008.

Is there a way of printing a price list that displays only the current price? We are currently using version the product price list version 1.3


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