Access patient history when editing notes

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Project description: 

When creating or editing patient Notes, the patient history cannot be accessed directly:

  • users must have a second window open and switch between the two
  • existing notes can only be copied by:
  1. editing them
  2. selecting the text
  3. pressing Ctrl-C
  4. editing a new note
  5. pressing Ctrl-V

This is because the Summary display has row selection enabled, which prevents the copying of text


This project will simplify note editing by displaying the patient history beneath the Note. The history will have all of the features of the Patients - Medical Records - Summary tab, with the exception of the buttons to edit, delete. In addition, it will be possible to copy text from the patient history as row selection will be disabled.




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Re: Access patient history when editing notes

Hi Tim,

This looks great.  With this arrangement will we still be able to see to the customer / patient information boxes on the LEFT side of the screen?

Many thanks


Re: Access patient history when editing notes

Sur - that doesn't change. On small screens you may have to resize the dialog if the left side of the screen is obscured however.

Re: Access patient history when editing notes

costing please

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