Clinician, Worklist and Printer selection improvements for multi-site practices

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Project description: 

If your practice operates at multiple sites, you will have clinicians, worklists and printers relevant only to specific sites.

In the current system:

  1. when using the clinician selection to select the clinician for an appointment, task or visit,  all clinicians are available - even those who cannot access the practice location because it is not one of the locations set on their Administration|Users record.
  2. when transferring a task from one worklist to another, all the practice's worklists are available - not just those in the worklist view(s) for the current practice location.
  3. when selecting a printer, all printers are available - though in a multi-site practice it makes sense to select just from those printers located athe the currently set practice location.

This project will add an All Locations check box to the Clinician, Work List and printer browsers. By default this will be unchecked, excluding repectively clinicians who do not have access to the current practice location, work lists not linked to the current practice location via a Work List View, and printers not at the current location.

To select a clinician, work list or printer from the full set, you would therefore have to click on the binoculars button, tick All Locations, and select it from the list.

Note that having selected an 'out-of-location' clinician, the clinician would be used automatically as is the case currently.

Note also that the selection of the Customer's Preferred Vet (controlled via Administration|Lookups|Customer Vet) will be unaffected by this change.

To support the printer selection, a Printers tab will be added to the practice location, and this will be used to specify the printers available at this location. If this tab is empty, then all printers will be available at the location.



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Re: Clinician, Worklist, Customer and Printer selection ...

Tim A (while costing the project) has said "I think the customer filter needs more thought.
If you have multiple practices near each other, having a default location filter for customers may increase the likelihood of duplicate customer entry.
I think if you are selecting a customer for appointments or Customers - Information etc, you wouldn't want to restrict to the current location?

Recall that the original suggestion covered Clinician and Worklist selection only. Alan B added the customer filter facility.

We will not be turning on the 'Use Location Customers' switch in the Practice record because we want to use the full customer pool.

For VitalPet (where the different practice locations are semi-independent) this switch will be set to On.

I suppose there is a question as to whether on the Customer Search window the 'All Locations' checkbox should be hidden if 'Use Location Customers' switch in the Practice record is Off.  That is, with the switch off, the system operates and looks like the current 1.9 system. It is only if you turn it on that you have the choice to select form just the current location's customers (the default) or all customers.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Clinician, Worklist, Customer and Printer selection ...

As a result of off-forum discussions, the Customer selection facility defined below is being removed from this project, and the above project description has been updated.

I would also like to thank Mark Andrews of NCVC and Adrian Simons of EVES for funding this project.

Regards, Tim G


Customer Selection

Currently, when selecting a customer, all customers are available - though in a multi-site practice it may make sense to be able to select just from those customers whose practice location matches the currently set practice location.

This project will add an All Locations check box to the Customer browser. By default this will be unchecked, excluding customers whose practice location does not match the current practice location.

To select a customer from the full set, you would therefore have to click on the binoculars button, tick All Locations, and select it from the list.

Since the customer selection restriction facility will not be required by multi-site practices who use a non-restricted customer pool, a 'Use Location Customers' switch will be added to the Practice. If this is unchecked (the default) then the 'All Locations' checkbox on the customer selection window will be checked; if checked, then the All Locations' checkbox on the customer selection window will be unchecked.

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