Integrate VetCheck
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Development Project Status: Completed
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Integrate VetCheck to enhance the client experience throughout the whole clinical process and help you run a contactless practice. Generate digital practice forms with e-signature, digital dental or GA monitoring charts, vaccination certifications, discharge instructions, home care videos, pet healthcare programs & handouts.
VetCheck will be enabled via an Enable VetCheck flag in the Practice.
When enabled, the VetCheck window can be launched from a button:
- in the patient summary
This submits the following details to VetCheck:- the customer first name, last name, email address and phone
- the patient name, species, breed, sex, date of birth, colour and microchip
Generated documents will be added as links in the patient history.
The last 3 VetCheck generated documents for a patient will be displayed as links below this button.
Click on these opens the link in a new browser window.
- in Administration - Templates
This is used to administer VetCheck templates. It doesn't submit customer or patient information
Re: Integrate VetCheck
Thank you Luke for funding this project
Lisa Vanden Berg
OpenVPMS - Implementer/Support