Invoice credit items

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Project description: 

When crediting a customer, the only approach supported at present is to use a separate Customer Credit transaction.

This is cumbersome, as it means stopping the current workflow, performing a Credit, then resuming the workflow.

This project will:

  • enable Credit Items to be added to Invoices
  • change Pharmacy Returns to use Credit Items in invoices where possible

This will streamline pharmacy return processing. Currently, these either:

  • adjust the quantity on the existing invoice; or if the invoice is finalised
  • create a new Customer Credit

In the former case, if the return takes the quantity to zero, any fixed price must manually be removed.

In the latter case, this must be done from the Customer Orders workspace. This is inconvenient, as it means breaking out of the workflow.

  • remove the need to use negative prices to support discounting


Credit Items in Invoices

Invoices will be extended to support the addition of Credit Items:

  • these will be displayed in the same table as the Invoice Items
  • to distinguish Invoice and Credit Items, Credit Items will be displayed with a negative total in the Total column
  • the Invoice will be invalid if its total is negative

Invoice Reversals

In order to support reversals, Customer Credits must be extended to support Invoice Items.

  • these will be displayed in the same table as the Credit Items
  • to distinguish Credit and Invoice Items, Invoice Items will be displayed with a negative total in the Total column
  • the Credit will be invalid if its total is negative

Pharmacy Returns

These will be changed so that:

  • invoicing a return within the Invoice and Visit Editors adds a corresponding Credit Item to the Invoice rather than adjusting the invoiced quantity.
  • invoicing a return from Customer Orders adds a Credit Item to the customer's current invoice, if they have one, or creates a new Credit, if not.

Report Changes

The following report templates need to be updated:

  • Invoice - this needs to show report credit items as negative
  • Credit - this needs to show invoice items as negative


Counter sales will not be extended to include credit items.



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Re: Invoice credit items


Can we please have this costed. As other clinics are starting to use electronic pharmacies this is becoming a more important project to get implemented for us and others.



Re: Invoice credit items

How do you want to do differentiate invoice items and credit items?


  • have a separate Credits tab that supports credit item entry
  • display both invoice and credit items in the Items tab. A dropdown field containing Customer Invoice Item and Customer Credit Item determines which type of item is added when Add is clicked. To differentiate between items, either
    • an Item Type column to indicate Invoice or Credit; or
    • Credit items are displayed with a negative total


Re: Invoice credit items

Hi Tim,

I will send this to Greta for comment as well, but our preference would be to display both invoice and credit items in the Items tab.

We would prefer credit items to be displayed with a negative total as well as an Item Type column (you really can't be too obvious about these things!). Hell, you could even have different coloured lines or text for the invoice vs credit items!

We would suggest that the dropdown field that lets you select if it is an invoice item or credit item be defaulted to "Invoice Item" so people have to manually change this to add a credit item (i.e. make it hard to credit something by accident).



Re: Invoice credit items

Hi Tim and Adrian,

I agree, to display both invoice and credit items in the Items tab and have the credit items with a negative total.



Re: Invoice credit items

is this costing still accurate? - if so - will see is AV (Sam and Greta) and SVES/EVES can get this over the line....

Re: Invoice credit items

AV and EVES/SVES will share funding of this. Thanks Sam and Greta for helping out!

Re: Invoice credit items

Thanks to both of you for supporting this project.

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