Laboratory Price Update support
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Development Project Status: Completed
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Laboratory providers provide clinics with regular price updates for requested laboratory services.
Provide a mechanism to update associated product cost prices (and subsequent selling prices using the markup) based on the updated test prices.
Initially this will allow cost price updates via imported spreadsheets in a defined format for Laboratories that dont support the LAB API.
code - test code (mandatory) name - test name (mandatory) description - extended test description (optional) specimen - sample instructions (optional) turnaround time - days (optional) price - ex GST cost price (mandatory)
- prompt to upload the list of tests
- prompt for the investigation type to associate the tests with
- would only allow selection of an investigation type not managed by a lab (plugin lab)
- support creation of a new investigation type
- Provide a preview of changes to apply and confirmation from user.
- create new tests and associate them with the investigation type
- deactivate tests that are associated with the investigation type but not present in the new spreadsheet
- Provide a preview of price updates that would be applied to products and , if accepted, update product cost pricing for products currently linked to tests. For products with multiple linked tests will accummulate test prices to update product cost price. Cost price updates would automatically update selling prices based on the markup.
Re: Laboratory Price Update support
I pledge 72.72% of the cost estimate of $5500.
Re: Laboratory Price Update support
OpenVPMS will pledge the remainder of the project so this will go to development.