New Prescription from Medication
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Development Project Status: Completed
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This project will provide a shortcut for creating a new prescription by adding a New Prescription button to the Medication editor/viewer.
The New Prescription button will be displayed under the existing Print Label button.
Clicking it will create a new Prescription, and display it in an editor with:
- the same medication, quantity and label
- current clinician
- default prescription expiry date
The New Prescription button will be available wherever a Medication can be viewed or edited i.e. in:
- invoice editors and viewers
- Patients - Medical Medical Records - Summary
Re: New Prescription from Medication
We have some issues with incorrect dispensing of medications recently and think this would be a very valuable addition to VPMS. Is there an estimate on the costing for this feature?
Re: New Prescription from Medication
Thank you for fully funding this project Trilby