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Product Template Visit and Invoice notes
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Submitted by tony on Mon, 20/06/2011 - 18:35
Development Project Status: Completed
Total cost estimate (ex-Tax):
$850 Release:
Current Percentage Funded:
100.00% Project description:
JIRA: https://openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/OVPMS-1000
When charging a product template during the check in and consulting workflows we need to support being able to automatically create visit and invoice notes assocaited with the product template.
A JIRA has already been created for this project and an initial estimated of development costs included. Obviously should the specifications change the development hours may also change.
This feature is dependent on the new Integrated Visit Editor project.
Funding Update: Product Template Visit and Invoice notes 100%!
A huge thanks goes to a single user who has contributed the entire amount to fund this user project!!!
Fingers crossed this feature should be in the 1.6 release hopefully! It has been sent to the developers!
Matt Costa