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Product 'use only in templates' flag
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Submitted by tanderson on Wed, 15/07/2015 - 13:39
Development Project Status: Completed
Total cost estimate (ex-Tax):
Due date for completion of this stage:
14/07/2015 Release:
Current Percentage Funded:
100.00% Project funding:
You can donate money to this project by entering the amount above and clicking the 'Add to cart' button. In the Checkout process you can either choose to pay now (via Bank Transfer, Cheque or Pay Pal) or you can pledge the amount by choosing the 'Pledge a payment for a Development Project' method. If you make a pledge, then when we have 100% funding commitments, you will be notified by email and you can then action your payment. Note that development will not commence until all funds are received.
Project description:
This project will add a new flag to products, "Use Only in Templates".
This is designed to stop direct entry of products that should only be included in charges and estimates via a Product Template.
Any product with this flag set:
- will be excluded from queries during charging and estimating
- may not be entered into an invoice/estimate even if its full name is used
- may still be selected in supplier orders and deliveries
Re: Product 'use only in templates' flag
Australian Animal Hospitals will fund 50% of this project
Re: Product 'use only in templates' flag
Thanks for your pledge to fund this project Craig. Another member has funded the other 50% so development will proceed.
Thanks to you both for your generous support.