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Reminder "Bell" Icon Colour Change
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Submitted by Matt C on Mon, 30/07/2012 - 01:44
Development Project Status: Completed
Total cost estimate (ex-Tax):
$520 Release:
Current Percentage Funded:
100.00% Project description:
Forum: http://www.openvpms.org/forum/reminder-bell-icon-colour-change
Jira: https://openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/OVPMS-751
Currently the patient summary reminder button is always red. This should be modified to reflect the status of the due or overdue reminders.
If any reminder is overdue then it should be a red button, otherwise if any are within their sensitivity interval it should be orange, otherwise it should be green.
Public pledges can be made to this forum topic or email me directly by clicking here (link only works in the forum).
Development will not commence until fully funded.
Re: Reminder "Bell" Icon Colour Change (Funding Update 50%)
A user has pledged 50% funding for this project!
(50% funded. $260 remaining)
Public pledges can be made to this forum topic or email me directly by clicking here (link only works in the forum).
Development will not commence until fully funded.
Matt C
Re: Reminder "Bell" Icon Colour Change (Funding Update 50%)
would it be at all possible to do away with the bell and actually have a menu of what the patient is due/overdue for. It was available on the patients history screen in the old days in Netvet and was really handy.
Re: Reminder "Bell" Icon Colour Change
I will pay the other $ 260.