Service ratios
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Development Project Status: Completed
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This project will allow a service ratio to be applied to fixed and unit prices when charging and estimating.
The service ratio is determined by:
- the Practice Location; and
- a product's type
This can be used by practices that provide an out-of-hours clinic to charge a premium for products.
Charging and Estimating
When charging/estimating, the prices will be determined by:
- retrieving the service ratio for the product
- multiplying the product's fixed and unit prices to determine the price, rounded to 2 decimal places
If a product doesn't have a product type, or there is no service ratio for the product type and practice location, a value of 1.0 will be used for the service ratio.
Service ratios are established by adding a relationship from a Practice Location to a Product Type. The default service ratio is 1.0.
These will be displayed on a new tab of the Practice Location editor, named Service Ratios.
Relationship to Pricing Groups
This project is similar to Pricing Groups in that they both support different prices for a product at different Practice Locations. Pricing Groups provide:
- different pricing of individual products, rather than just types of products
- the ability to enter a rounded price.
- product price history
It could be used in conjunction with Pricing Groups if required.
Re: Service ratios
Many thanks to the generous member of our community who has fully funded this project.