Smart Flow Sheet integration - patients

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Development Project Status: Completed

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Project description: 

This project will enable patient information to be sent to Smart Flow Sheet to reduce data entry.

Patient information will be sent:

  • automatically when a checked-in patient is added or transferred to a worklist configured for Smart Flow Sheet
  • by clicking on a Smart Flow Sheet button located on the Scheduling and Work Lists screens.

Check In Workflow

If a work list is selected during Check-In and it is linked to Smart Flow Sheet, the subsequent weight entry will trigger the patient information to be sent to Smart Flow Sheet. If Skip is pressed on the New Weight dialog, a warning will be displayed:

  • If there is no patient weight - "This patient cannot be sent to Smart Flow Sheet as no weight is recorded. Are you sure you want to skip weight entry?"
  • If there is a weight record (of any age) - "Smart Flow Sheet requires an accurate patient weight. Are you sure you want to skip weight entry?"

Smart Flow Sheet button

A Smart Show Sheet button will be added to the Scheduling and Work Lists screens if:

  • Smart Flow Sheet is enabled
  • an appointment/task must be selected, and the corresponding patient must have an In Progress visit

If the patient has no weight recorded against the visit, a patient weight dialog will be displayed. This will default to the patient's prior weight, if any.

If the patient has already been submitted to Smart Flow Sheet for the current visit, a warning will be displayed: "This patient has already been submitted to Smart Flow Sheet. Do you want to resubmit?"

Worklist Transfer

If a patient:

  • is transferred to a worklist linked to Smart Flow Sheet; and
  • has an In Progress visit; and
  • there is a weight record linked to the visit; and
  • the patient hasn't already been submitted

then their details will be automatically sent to Smart Flow Sheet.

If there is no current patient weight for the patient, this will be prompted for.


The EMR and clinic API keys for Smart Flow Sheet will be configured on the Practice.

The Work List archetype will be extended to include a "Use Smart Flow Sheet" flag to indicate if patient information should be sent for the work list. It defaults to off.


This project will not support:

  • receiving medical or charging records from Smart Flow Sheet
  • submitting products or clinicians

These will be covered by a separate project.




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Re: Smart Flow Sheet integration - patients

I would prefer to see the patient and client data sent into SmartFlow from a tab on the schedule view. It makes sense to me to have it alongside "New, Consult, Checkout" etc as options for highlighted patients. Creating a new worklist makes sense too. 

I also thought it worth mentioning how important the patient's weight is in Smartflow given the automatic dose calculations that rely on this. Might be worth having a pop up reminder to ensure a current weight is recorded prior to transfer into Smartflow. 

Finally, it occured to me that it would be nice to bring across reminders such as cartrophen boosters, vaccines or other treatments as an automatic addition to the task list created for that patient. Less likely to miss the overdue vaccine if it appears as the first task for the patient after admission. I assume medical alerts/notes etc will come across too?

I would also pose the question as to whether it would be easier to add documents/files such as lab tests and radiographs into Smartflow and then import it into OVPMS vs going through the rigmorole of adding invetsigation numbers to the file name of anything we want auto-added to patient files? I still struggle with the inability to "drag and drop" or "copy and paste" documents like emailed lab results into OVPMS. 

Paul Davey

Re: Smart Flow Sheet integration - patients

Hi Paul,

For our workflow the proposed integration works very well. I.e. we wouldn't want patients added into smartflow from our waiting room worklist, but would when they are transferred into the hospital worklist. So not sure what more is required. What scenarios are you thinking of that you would need more than what is proposed in this project?

Weight - I agree with you... if there is no weight entered this should appear as a manadory pop up when the information is to be sent to Smartflow.

Reminders, medical alerts and notes... Not sure if this is possible.... certainly would be part of 2nd phase integration (i.e. not this project).

Documents... doubt it. again, I think this is a different project. I agree with you with the difficulties of adding files into ovpms. Particularly when we have multiple files. There is a project to improve this but drag and drop would be great as well.

Re: Smart Flow Sheet integration - patients

For weight, it would use the weight recorded against the current visit, or pop up a New Weight dialog as per the Check-In workflow.

The Check-In workflow would need to change so that weight entry occurs prior to work-list selection so that patients going straight to a smartflow managed work-list have the current weight.

Re: Smart Flow Sheet integration - patients


Sounds great. We are keen to get this working ASAP!



Re: Smart Flow Sheet integration - patients


Ok, will will fund 1/3 of this.



Re: Smart Flow Sheet integration - patients

Hi Everybody,

We will fund $1000 towards the project.



Re: Smart Flow Sheet integration - patients


Thanks Ivan!

We have another party who is interested in funding this so we should be able to get this started!



Re: Smart Flow Sheet integration - patients

Hi Adrian,

I am not sure what are the next steps, so can you please help guiding this process? 

Re: Smart Flow Sheet integration - patients

Hi Ivan,

If you click the "Donate to this project" link up the top you can make your pledge or arrange for payment. Please note, out GST of 10% (VAT) will be added onto the invoice total. I have done this today and will work on securing the final amount ASAP.

Kind Regards,


Re: Smart Flow Sheet integration - patients

This project has been fully funded. Thanks very much to the three donors who have pushed this a long and made it happen!

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