Sort charge and estimate items by template or product type
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Development Project Status: Completed
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This project will extend the display of the Items table in charges and estimates to:
- display a Template column
This will indicate the product template that the item came from.
If the item isn't associated with a template, it will be blank.
- display a Product Type column
This will indicate the product type of the item's product.
If the product isn't associated with a product type, it will be blank.
- allow the new columns to be shown/hidden
The Items table is already very wide, so the display of the columns may be suppressed.
Check boxes for Show Template and Show Product Type will be displayed above the Items table to show or hide the respective column.
By default, the columns will be hidden.
- enable sorting on these columns
If both columns are displayed, then selecting the Template column will sort on Template, then Product Type, then Date. This is the default behaviour if both columns are displayed.
If one column is displayed, then the default sort will be the column and then Date.
- include Practice options:
- Show Template during Charging and Estimating
- Show Product Type during Charging and Estimating
These determine if Show Template and Show Product Type are initially selected or not.
- keep the settings for the lifetime of the session
If the columns are shown or hidden, these settings will be stored while the user remains logged in so that the same changes don't need to be re-done each time the user performs charging/estimating
Re: Sort charge and estimate items by template or product type
Can we add if Show Template and Show Product Type are both selected default sorting will be by Template then Product Type and then by date.
Re: Sort charge and estimate items by template or product type
Could this please be costed Tim?
Asha Stott.
Re: Sort charge and estimate items by template or product type
Tony and Tim:
We look forward to this feature. In the case of templates within templates which we use extensively, what level would be displayed next to product? The top level or the specific template that product is in? We would campaign for the specific template that contains the item if this is still being discussed.
Re: Sort charge and estimate items by template or product type
When templates are expanded in an estimate or invoice, any nested template information is lost. All items are attached to the top-level template.
So if you have:
The invoice will have the following items:
This is desirable from a reporting perspective, as includes that are shared amongst multiple templates (e.g. disposables) are grouped with the template rather than displayed separately.
Re: Sort charge and estimate items by template or product type
Darn, had it been:
it would have been a great solution to the problem we are facing.
Would it be possible to add the product category as a column as an alternative sort option, not just product type?
Re: Sort charge and estimate items by template or product type
By product category, I assume you mean Product Group or Product Income Type? A product can have any number of either of these classifications, so they aren't suitable for sorting on.
With the current approach, a printed invoice can aggregate all of the items under the one template. So if the template is Canine Desex, and it includes 6 other templates, "Canine Desex" appears as a single line item on the printed invoice.
With your proposed approach, you can't do this as the relationship to the root template is lost.
That said, we could make the template selection configurable, so that you could specify which template appears in the invoice e.g.:
The invoice will have the following items:
The printed invoice could aggregate these items into 3 rows.