
Tony, One of the popular features of a closed source vpms is the ability to do timecard management. When a vet tech arrives, they clock in, clock out on departure, etc. The accountant or owner can pull down timesheets to see total hours worked and computes payroll from it. Is it in scope of this project to provide those features? Thanks, Lee

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Re: timecards?

Hi Lee, Not in the scope of the first release but definitely a worthwhile addition if someone wants to specify the functionality and subsequently develop it. Can place in Jira as wish list item if you want ... Cheers Tony

A humble free alternative

Hi Lee, We use a little vb application to do this. It runs on windows at the moment but is in process of being converted to a web application that will run nicely beside OpenVPMS (but not directly interface at this stage). Let me know if you want to see the program and I can set it up for downloading. Matt Costa PS. How sophisticated is the payroll interfacing? Does it just print a hours summary or does it create a file for direct import into financial software?

Re: timecards?

Matt, If I had a chance to define it, I'd like to see it go beyond just collecting timesheets to more of a staff management solution. For example, the practice manager could define staffing "profiles" and assign tasks based on those profiles. Staffing profiles could be [list] 1 DVM, 1 Technicians 1 DVM, 2 Technicians 2 DVM, 2 Technicians 2 DVM, 3 Technicians 2 DVM, 4 Technicians etc[/list:2a1e346cc1] Then create a task list of everything that needs to be done daily [list] Answer the phones Check-in patients Check-out patients Clean seating area Mop seating area at end of day Clean exam rooms post exam Mop exam rooms at end of day etc[/list:u:2a1e346cc1] Then take the staffing profiles and divide up the tasks. For example, take the 2 DVMs and 2 Technicians. [list]2 DVM, 2 Techs DVM 1 [list]Primary Position = Exam Room Primary Tasks [list]Routine Care Appts. Preventive Care Appts.[/list:u:2a1e346cc1] Secondary Tasks [list]Emergency Care[/list:u:2a1e346cc1][/list:u:2a1e346cc1] DVM 2 [list]Primary Position = Surgery Primary Tasks [list]Surgical Care Bench Lab tests[/list:u:2a1e346cc1] Secondary Tasks [list]In-process Med's Shipments Routine Care Appts. Preventive Care Appts.[/list:u:2a1e346cc1][/list:u:2a1e346cc1] Technician 1 [list]Primary Position = Reception Primary Tasks [list]Answer Phones Check-in Patients Check-out Patients[/list:u:2a1e346cc1] Secondary Tasks [list]Clean Seating Area Periodically Mop Seating Area at End of Day[/list:u:2a1e346cc1][/list:u:2a1e346cc1][/list:u:2a1e346cc1] The clinic owner would define the schedules. If it happens that 2 DVMs and 2 Techs are on shift, that staffing profile defines who has responsibility for what. When I clock in, I'm given the opportunity to view my tasks, with the option of printing a checklist. When I clock out, I'm asked ot confirm that I got my assigned tasks done. From a time tracking standpoint, it would be useful to have the set of features for a user to [list] - clock in - clock out - view schedule - view timecard - request time off - request/approve shift swap [/list:u:2a1e346cc1] For the supervisor [list] - clock in / clock out - change clock in / clock out times for staff - set schedule for staff (start, stop, lunch, and break) - approve time off - view schedule adherance [/list:u:2a1e346cc1] This would all feed back into the scheduler in the rest of Openvpms. By that I mean you should see the scheduled availability of staff when you go to schedule an appointment. You don't want to stack 5 simultaneous exams on 1 DVM... well usually you wouldn't :) Lee

Re: timecards?

Vetpmcosta (Matt) Hello again after a year - I wanted to check with you on this to see how well you fared with getting an open source tool to manage the timecards of the practice. Did you settle on a solution? I'm just picking up interest again in OpenVPMS after being away from it for a while. It's good to be back. Hello again to you too, Tony. Lee
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