[Workflow Module]identifying requested vet on appt listing

Can you have a column where a requested vets initials are displayed or perhaps a certain colour for each vet? With the current list you can't tell whether a certain vet has been requested.

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Re: identifying requested vet on appt listing

What we currently do is put the requested vet in the notes field - I guess you could call this a work around. Do you think it would be better for the clinician field to show up in the appointment schedule? Peter

Potential for clutter

I think seeing whether an appointment is for a particular vet at first glance is is definitely worthwhile. In the current row and column format, its benefit is diminished. Its absence relates to not wanting to over populate the screen with too many columns. However the ability to assign an appointment to a particular vet is essential to allow a scheduler to function in a block and column format. This would show appointments spanning time slots according to their duration and having columns for resources (vets maybe or consulting rooms, etc etc). This style of appointment scheduler will require some future development.
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