1.7 5689 Fax description should = phone

The fax and phone archetypes differ in their description derived expressions.  This shows up when you have no area code.

The fax number shows as "()1234 5678 (Fax)" whereas the phone shows as "1234 5678 (Home,Reminder)".

The derived expression used for the contact.phoneNumber archetype should be copied into the contact.faxNumber archetype.

Regards, Tim G

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Re: 1.7 5689 Fax description should = phone

Done. I've also updated contact.phoneNumber from:

 concat(substring(concat('(',/details/areaCode, ') '), 0, number(boolean(/details/areaCode)) * (string-length(/details/areaCode) + 4)), /details/telephoneNumber, ' ', party:getContactPurposes())


 concat(expr:if(boolean(/details/areaCode), concat('(',/details/areaCode,') '), ''), /details/telephoneNumber,' ',party:getContactPurposes())

Change applied in revision 5697.

-Tim A

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