1.7 5689 Import Archetype/Update performance

If you import an archetype that changes an existing one (eg by changing a derived field definition) and you OK the update, then if the update affects many many records, the process appears to run very very slowly with nothing happening - and seems never to terminate.  If there are only a few affected records then things work as expected. ie the 69 bad debt records work OK, but the 195,159 payment records cause the system to choke.

The screen shot below shows this. Here I am updating the act.customerPayment archetype to change the definition of the derived description field. As you can see from the performance graphs very little is happening.

Note that this is not a problem to me - I have adjusted my conversion code to generate the required descriptions. (During the conversion I run with archetypes with derived=false for the description field, and then after conversion load ones with the derived =true.)

However, I thought I should report the problem.

Regards, Tim G

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Re: 1.7 5689 Import Archetype/Update performance

This is an instance of https://openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/OVPMS-1404

This has been fixed in revision 5693.

-Tim A

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