1.7 Alpha - Lookup/Replace - name duplicated

If you look at the screen shot for http://www.openvpms.org/forum/1.7-alpha-lookupreplace-f1-problem you will see that the top of the Replacement Confim screen shows "Replace Procedures Procedures Product Group" - ie the name of the lookup 'Procedures' is repeated.

Similarly if you try to replace a bank called 'State Savings' you get something like "Replace State Savings State Savings". [Note also here that the Lookup Type 'Bank' is missing - its seems to be present on the couple of other Lookup Type replace screens that I checked.]

I suspect that what is happening is that the second occurance is what would be the Description for some things, but Lookup Types don't appear to have Description fields.

Regards, Tim G

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Re: 1.7 Alpha - Lookup/Replace - name duplicated

There is actually two columns, Name and Description.

Most (all? I haven't checked) lookups simply duplicate the lookup name in the description, so you get both the name and description being identical.

If a lookup is the default, the description will also display "(Default)".


Re: 1.7 Alpha - Lookup/Replace - name duplicated

No worries - since this is in the Admin workspace we don't need to get things perfect for normal users.

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