1.7 Alpha Message|New screen - missing binoculars on To
If you use Workflow|Messaging|New then in the resulting screen the To field looks like a plain text field, in fact it's a search field (if you type s and then the Enter key, you will get a list users starting with s).
Hence it should have a binoculars icon after it.
Note that I understand that it is a very special search field in that the search is individually processing each of the entries separated by semi-colons. But I still think a binoculars icon after it would immediatly convey that this is a search field. [My initial reaction on looking at the screen to document it was "crap - one has to know the users names - you can't search for them". It's really rather sexy you can search and multiple entries and the user-groups are, by default, included in the search.]
Regards, Tim G
Re: 1.7 Alpha Message|New screen - missing binoculars on To
I'm not a big fan of the binoculars and I think the message editor is sufficiently different to the other editors that it can get away with not having them.
If its documented, I don't see any need for them.
Re: 1.7 Alpha Message|New screen - missing binoculars on To
OK - I just re-read the CSH page and I am happy with the way it reads. Regards, Tim G