1.7 Alpha Payment Descriptions hidden ??

If you look at the Till Balancing and Customer Account screens, the Description column is blank.

This column could usefully convey information such as the payment type.

Checking the payment archetypes, the description nodes are set up with expressions but the node is hidden.

Q1. if we just unset the hidden flag will the derived information suddenly appear (ie no code changes required)?

Q2. if there any reason for hiding the descriptions - ie are there other consequences of unhiding the descriptions?

Regards, Tim G

Humm - its more subtle than this - I just did a till balance adjustment and the description for this shows "Cash Float Adjustment" - and its archetye has a non hidden, non-derived empty description.

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Re: 1.7 Alpha Payment Descriptions hidden ??

Description nodes are that are derived are typically hidden so they don't appear when editing. They are used mainly when summarising objects being queried.

Changing the hidden flag will have no effect. The table model determines what is displayed.

In many cases, the table model is configured via IMObjectTableModelFactory.properties. This contains archetype -> table model implementation mappings, e.g.:

 act.*                           org.openvpms.web.component.im.table.act.DefaultActTableModel
act.patientClinicalEvent        org.openvpms.web.workspace.patient.mr.PatientClinicalEventActTableModel
act.patientMedication           org.openvpms.web.workspace.patient.mr.PatientMedicationActTableModel
actRelationship.tillBalanceItem org.openvpms.web.workspace.reporting.till.TillBalanceActRelationshipTableModel

Till balance items are handled via the TillBalanceActRelationshipTableModel which doesn't display the description node.

-Tim A

Re: 1.7 Alpha Payment Descriptions hidden ??

OK Tim - no problem.  Regards, Tim G

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