1.7 Alpha - Product template printed name ??
Submitted by Guest on Mon, 24/06/2013 - 11:21
The Template type of product has a field printedName.
In the CSH page http://www.openvpms.org/documentation/csh/1.7/product/template I have written:
Printed Name - the name that will be displayed when the invoice etc is printed. If omitted, then the Name will be used.
But I don't think that this is true. If I use a template when generating an invoice (or an estimate), it immediately gets exploded into its component items, and the fact that it was entered as template rather than a set of individual items is lost.
Hence the printedName can never appear.
Am I correct?
Regards, Tim G
Re: 1.7 Alpha - Product template printed name ??
The printedName node is not used in the code, just report templates.
You won't see it in invoices or estimates, but a report could be developed that listed products, including their printed name. If the printedName node wasn't there, I suspect an error would be displayed.
Re: 1.7 Alpha - Product template printed name ??
OK - will put a note on the CSH page. Regards, Tim G
Second thought - why don't we just set hidden in the arcetype - this will just suppress it on the screen, but if someone built the report, then the contents would be null (like other types of products where the printedName has not been entered)
Third thought - product.priceTemplate already has no printedName, hence any problems caused by removing printedName from product.template, are already present.
Anyway - the note is on the page http://www.openvpms.org/documentation/csh/1.7/product/template - if you do decide to hide or remove printedName from product.template, tell me and I will adjust the page.
Re: 1.7 Alpha - Product template printed name ??
I've hidden the node in revision 5202.
Re: 1.7 Alpha - Product template printed name ??
OK - have removed the Printed Name from the field descriptions. Will insert a new picture when 5202 or later is installed on the demo system.
Regards, Tim G