1.7 Alpha - why no products on letters

The difference between forms and letters is that letters can request input, forms cannot [or rather they can, but the input will not be prompted for and the input fields will get their default values].

Hence, if one is constructing a document that cannot get all its data from the system (eg the Rabies vaccination batch number), then one has to use a letter rather than a form.

However, although forms have a product component, letters do not, hence one cannot use a letter if one wants any product information.

Furthermore, although one can attach a letter to a product, it will be treated as a form in that any input fields will not be prompted for.


  • if a document is to be attached to a product, it has to be a form if it is to access the product information
  • if a letter is attached to a product, any input field will not be prompted for
  • if you want to use a 'manual' document (ie a form or letter that you call up using new|form or new|letter) then if you need it to prompt for information, it must be a letter, but then it cannot access any product information; you can use a form, but this will not prompt for input but can access product information.


  • letters should be able to access product information
  • if a letter is attached to a product then any input fields should be prompted for

Note that in the above, both the letters and forms are in fact patient letters and patient forms.

Regards, Tim G

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Re: 1.7 Alpha - why no products on letters

Part of this is covered by this project: http://www.openvpms.org/project/prompt-letter-parameters-during-invoicing

As you say however, the letter won't have access to the product. This would need to be added to the archetype.

If you create a patient letter via Patients|Medical Records|Documents, an Input Parameters dialog will be displayed when you select a template with parameters.

If there was a product node on the patient letter, then this would need to be populated *before* the template is selected, in order for the template to see it.

The alternative would be to only prompt for parameters once the document is being saved, and to prompt again if the product changes.

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